Japanese manicure is a cultural tradition of the country of cherry blossoms for over 400 years. At first this method was used only by Japanese aristocrats, then by ordinary citizens of Japan and now this trend is known all around the world. The name maybe misleading, because it is a nourishing treatment rather than stylisation method. What is Japanese manicure? For whom is it recommended?

Japanese manicure is an extraordinary treatment with nourishing preparations in form of nail polishes. Japanese manicure is cyclic and regular procedure of rubbing in the nail plate properly chosen nourishing substances. Main ingredient of those nourishing nail masks is pollen enriched with vitamins (A,D and E). Additionally in the paste for Japanese manicure we’ll find silica powder from Sea of Japan, which contains large amounts of keratin. Combination of all the ingredients is supposed to effectively nourish and regenerate even extremely damaged finger nails.

Japanese manicure can be performed for both men and women, because it doesn’t leave colour, but ensures deep nourishment. Procedure is done on cleansed nail plate and (it is a plus) can be performed by ourselves in the seclusion of our homes. The secret of Japanese manicure is nourishing method of rubbing the pollen. Beeswax paste enriched with rest of ingredients is rubbed in the nail plate with natural nail files. One-time treatment should be finished with gathering the remaining powder with soft piece of velvet – it should lock all the substances in nail plate structure.

Efficient use of beeswax, vitamins and silica nourishing properties will bring results only with regular rubbing. Visible effects you’ll see after more or less 40 minutes treatment, which should be repeated four times in 2-3 weeks gaps. It is a big plus of Japanese manicure, because standard nourishing treatments have to be performed much often.

Unfortunately, there are also counter-indications towards use of Japanese manicure. This method has to be performed on well oxygenated nails. That is why women who on a regular bases wear acrylic or gel on their nails won’t be able to experience beneficial properties of Japanese manicure. In their case necessary is few weeks break between another nails stylisation.

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